
Cyclones vs Vikings

Created - 11 décembre 2024 at 07:39

1 2 3 T
Cyclones 2 0 1 3
Vikings 0 0 2 2
1 2 3 T
Cyclones 10 3 3 16
Vikings 2 5 9 16

1st period
1. Cyclones , Chris Tierney 5 (Jacob Moverare 8, Cole Koepke 5) at 16:38
2. Cyclones , Chris Tierney 6 (Alex Limoges 11, Alexey Toropchenko 16) at 16:52
Austin Watson (Nyi) for Roughing (Minor) at 19:36
2nd period
No Goal
No Penalty
3rd period
3. Cyclones , Chris Tierney 7 (Alexey Toropchenko 17, Trevor vanRiemsdyk 16) at 0:20
4. Vikings , Unknown Player 1 (Unknown Player 1) at 6:42
5. Vikings , Devin Shore 9 (Justin Sourdif 7, Isak Rosen 10) at 15:19 (PP)
Austin Watson (Nyi) for Tripping (Minor) at 4:32
Ethan Del Mastro (Nyi) for Interference (Minor) at 8:02
Brayden Pachal (Nas) for Tripping (Minor) at 14:18
Goalie Stats
Kevin Lankinen (Nas), 14 saves from 16 shots - (0,875), W, 11-9-0, 60:00 minutes
Alex Nedeljkovic (Nyi), 13 saves from 16 shots - (0,813), L, 14-5-4, 59:01 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Chris Tierney (Nas)
2 - Alexey Toropchenko (Nas)
3 - Alex Limoges (Nas)
Referees : Kelly Sutherland and Reid Anderson
Linesman : Jonathan Deschamps and Joe Mahon
Game Note
Chris Tierney has scored a Hat Trick!

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Cyclones 3162952200 / 3 (0%)140%
Vikings 2163056221 / 1 (100%)060%

Alex LimogesLW0112021019:413:2001:0100% 0
Alex SteevesLW0000000020:162:3000:0000% 0
Alexey ToropchenkoRW0222024021:283:2010:00050% 4
Anttoni HonkaD000-1010018:331:0900:3400% 0
Brayden PachalD0000242023:132:4300:0000% 0
Bryce KindoppRW000-1010112:330:0000:0000% 0
Calle RosenD0002000020:262:3501:0100% 0
Chris TierneyC3033005023:402:3000:34052% 29
Cole KoepkeLW0110001016:011:2000:00040% 5
Denis MalginC0000011020:102:1400:27022% 18
Filip ChlapikRW0001010013:360:0700:0000% 0
Jacob MoverareD0112000222:063:1400:0000% 0
Mike HardmanLW000-1032015:510:0000:00025% 4
Trevor vanRiemsdykD0111000226:062:1300:2700% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Walker DuehrRW0000050021:062:3000:0000% 0
Austin WatsonLW0000444020:340:4900:0000% 0
Ben GleasonD0000000017:490:4900:3900% 0
Brandt ClarkeD000-2012023:210:0003:2000% 0
Devin ShoreC101-1023015:550:1210:00074% 19
Egor SokolovRW0000020010:590:0000:2000% 0
Ethan Del MastroD000-2220123:170:4902:0500% 0
Gage GoncalvesC0000000010:390:0000:00063% 8
Isak RosenRW011-1000015:550:1200:0000% 1
Jesper FrodenRW000000000:180:0000:0000% 0
John LeonardLW000-100006:530:0000:0000% 0
Jordie BennD0000020118:490:0002:5000% 0
Justin SourdifLW011-1011015:550:1200:0000% 0
Kevin ConnautonD0000020018:350:1202:0100% 0
Matt LuffRW000-102106:530:0000:0000% 0
Nikita AlexandrovC000-101016:530:0000:00083% 6
Rudolfs BalcersLW0000001010:390:0000:00050% 2
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D112001420:000:0000:00046% 24
Wyatt KalynukD0000020017:300:1200:3900% 0


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Alex LimogesChris TierneyAlexey Toropchenko1224026%13:38
2Alex SteevesDenis MalginWalker Duehr1223031%16:13
3Cole KoepkeChris TierneyFilip Chlapik1222024%12:23
4Mike HardmanChris TierneyBryce Kindopp1221019%10:00
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Trevor vanRiemsdykBrayden Pachal1224031%16:24
2Jacob MoverareCalle Rosen1223030%15:46
3Anttoni HonkaTrevor vanRiemsdyk1222028%14:39
4Brayden PachalJacob Moverare1221010%5:25
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Alex LimogesChris TierneyAlexey Toropchenko1226058%3:27
2Alex SteevesDenis MalginWalker Duehr1224042%2:30
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Trevor vanRiemsdykBrayden Pachal1226046%2:43
2Jacob MoverareCalle Rosen1224054%3:14
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Chris TierneyAlex Limoges12260100%1:01
2Denis MalginAlex Steeves122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Trevor vanRiemsdykBrayden Pachal12260100%1:01
2Jacob MoverareCalle Rosen122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Chris Tierney122600%0:00 Trevor vanRiemsdykBrayden Pachal122600%0:00
2Denis Malgin122400%0:00 Jacob MoverareCalle Rosen122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Chris TierneyAlex Limoges122600%0:00
2Denis MalginAlex Steeves122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Trevor vanRiemsdykBrayden Pachal122600%0:00
2Jacob MoverareCalle Rosen122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Alex LimogesChris TierneyAlexey ToropchenkoTrevor vanRiemsdykBrayden Pachal
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Alex LimogesChris TierneyAlexey ToropchenkoTrevor vanRiemsdykBrayden Pachal
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:48
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Cole Koepke, Walker Duehr, Mike HardmanCole Koepke, Walker DuehrCole Koepke
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen, Anttoni HonkaJacob Moverare, Jacob MoverareCalle Rosen
Penalty Shots
Alexey Toropchenko, Alex Limoges, Alex Steeves, Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke
Kevin Lankinen, Spencer Martin
Nathan Noel (Healthy), Zack Hayes (Healthy), Marc Del Gaizo (Healthy), Eric Comrie (Healthy), Erik Kallgren (Healthy) Keith Kinkaid (Healthy), Devin Cooley (Healthy)


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Austin WatsonUnknown PlayerUnknown Player1224036%18:59
2Justin SourdifDevin ShoreIsak Rosen1223030%15:43
3Rudolfs BalcersGage GoncalvesEgor Sokolov1222020%10:39
4John LeonardNikita AlexandrovMatt Luff1221013%6:53
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ethan Del MastroBrandt Clarke1224037%19:08
2Jordie BennKevin Connauton1223028%14:42
3Ben GleasonWyatt Kalynuk1222032%16:39
4Ethan Del MastroBrandt Clarke122103%1:45
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Austin WatsonUnknown PlayerUnknown Player1226080%0:49
2Justin SourdifDevin ShoreIsak Rosen1224020%0:12
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ethan Del MastroBrandt Clarke1226080%0:49
2Jordie BennKevin Connauton1224020%0:12
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player12260100%5:57
2Devin ShoreAustin Watson122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ethan Del MastroBrandt Clarke1226073%4:19
2Jordie BennKevin Connauton1224027%1:38
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown Player122600%0:00 Ethan Del MastroBrandt Clarke122600%0:00
2Unknown Player122400%0:00 Jordie BennKevin Connauton122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Devin ShoreAustin Watson122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ethan Del MastroBrandt Clarke122600%0:00
2Jordie BennKevin Connauton122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Austin WatsonUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerEthan Del MastroBrandt Clarke
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Austin WatsonUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerEthan Del MastroBrandt Clarke
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:480:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Jesper Froden, Gage Goncalves, Egor SokolovJesper Froden, Gage GoncalvesEgor Sokolov
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk, Jordie BennBen Gleason, Wyatt KalynukJordie Benn
Penalty Shots
Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Devin Shore, Austin Watson, Isak Rosen
Alex Nedeljkovic, Jake Allen
Artemi Kniazev (Healthy), Blake Murray (Healthy), Cross Hanas (Healthy), Dmitry Zlodeev (Healthy), Troy Grosenick (Healthy) Matthew Murray (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
0:03 of 1st period - Trevor vanRiemsdyk is hit by Ethan Del Mastro and loses puck.
0:38 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
0:38 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Ethan Del Mastro.
1:02 of 1st period - Denis Malgin is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck.
2:21 of 1st period - Gage Goncalves is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck.
2:45 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Koepke.
2:45 of 1st period - Deflect By Chris Tierney.
2:45 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
2:46 of 1st period - Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone.
4:37 of 1st period - Icing by Ben Gleason.
4:38 of 1st period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone.
4:46 of 1st period - Chris Tierney is hit by Wyatt Kalynuk and loses puck.
5:29 of 1st period - Shot by Rudolfs Balcers.
5:29 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
5:30 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone.
5:52 of 1st period - Shot by Denis Malgin.
5:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
5:53 of 1st period - Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Vikings zone.
5:58 of 1st period - Cole Koepke is hit by Matt Luff.
6:02 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Koepke.
6:02 of 1st period - Deflect By Alex Limoges.
6:02 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Jordie Benn.
6:04 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Koepke.
6:04 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
6:05 of 1st period - Rudolfs Balcers wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone.
7:01 of 1st period - Icing by Calle Rosen.
7:02 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone.
7:31 of 1st period - Shot by Austin Watson.
7:31 of 1st period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
7:32 of 1st period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Cyclones zone.
7:32 of 1st period - Chris Tierney is hit by Devin Shore.
8:08 of 1st period - Shot by Chris Tierney.
8:08 of 1st period - Deflect By Alex Limoges.
8:08 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound.
8:11 of 1st period - Icing by Wyatt Kalynuk.
8:12 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone.
8:50 of 1st period - Shot by Brandt Clarke.
8:50 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:05 of 1st period - Alex Steeves is hit by Nikita Alexandrov and loses puck.
10:55 of 1st period - Icing by Wyatt Kalynuk.
10:56 of 1st period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Vikings zone.
11:10 of 1st period - Alex Limoges is hit by Wyatt Kalynuk and loses puck.
13:43 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
13:43 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
13:45 of 1st period - Shot by Mike Hardman.
13:45 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound.
13:47 of 1st period - Shot by Mike Hardman.
13:47 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:23 of 1st period - Off-side.
14:24 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in neutral zone.
14:45 of 1st period - Trevor vanRiemsdyk is hit by Brandt Clarke and loses puck.
14:51 of 1st period - Trevor vanRiemsdyk is hit by Ethan Del Mastro.
16:00 of 1st period - John Leonard is hit by Denis Malgin and loses puck.
16:16 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
16:16 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:18 of 1st period - Shot by Alexey Toropchenko.
16:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
16:19 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Vikings zone.
16:38 of 1st period - Shot by Chris Tierney.
16:38 of 1st period - Goal by Chris Tierney - Cyclones : 1 - Vikings : 0.
16:39 of 1st period - Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone.
16:39 of 1st period - Brandt Clarke is hit by Alex Limoges and loses puck.
16:50 of 1st period - Shot by Alexey Toropchenko.
16:50 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Nikita Alexandrov.
16:52 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
16:52 of 1st period - Deflect By Chris Tierney.
16:52 of 1st period - Goal by Chris Tierney - Cyclones : 2 - Vikings : 0.
16:53 of 1st period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Gage Goncalves in neutral zone.
16:56 of 1st period - Brandt Clarke is hit by Mike Hardman and loses puck.
17:20 of 1st period - Shot by Mike Hardman.
17:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
17:21 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Vikings zone.
18:50 of 1st period - Jacob Moverare is hit by Egor Sokolov and loses puck.
19:19 of 1st period - Off-side.
19:20 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone.
19:36 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Roughing.
19:37 of 1st period - Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone.
19:47 of 1st period - Icing by Brayden Pachal.
19:48 of 1st period - Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone.
19:57 of 1st period - Shot by Alexey Toropchenko.
19:57 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound.
Goals for this period are 2 for Cyclones vs 0 for Vikings.
Shots for this period are 10 for Cyclones vs 2 for Vikings.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone.
1:23 of 2nd period - Unknown Player is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck.
1:38 of 2nd period - Shot by Chris Tierney.
1:38 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
1:39 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone.
1:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
1:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:50 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
1:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
1:51 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone.
1:51 of 2nd period - Ethan Del Mastro is hit by Brayden Pachal.
2:02 of 2nd period - Icing by Brayden Pachal.
2:03 of 2nd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone.
2:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
2:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
2:35 of 2nd period - Austin Watson is hit by Brayden Pachal.
2:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
2:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Austin Watson.
3:01 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
3:02 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone.
3:02 of 2nd period - Devin Shore is hit by Anttoni Honka.
3:23 of 2nd period - Icing by Trevor vanRiemsdyk.
3:24 of 2nd period - Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone.
4:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Devin Shore.
4:40 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
5:48 of 2nd period - Icing by Ben Gleason.
5:49 of 2nd period - Alexey Toropchenko wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone.
6:46 of 2nd period - Alex Steeves is hit by Kevin Connauton and loses puck.
6:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Nikita Alexandrov.
6:57 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jacob Moverare.
7:22 of 2nd period - Nikita Alexandrov is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck.
8:01 of 2nd period - Icing by Devin Shore.
8:02 of 2nd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Vikings zone.
8:06 of 2nd period - Icing by Brandt Clarke.
8:07 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone.
8:20 of 2nd period - Icing by Mike Hardman.
8:21 of 2nd period - Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone.
8:54 of 2nd period - Icing by Ethan Del Mastro.
8:55 of 2nd period - Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone.
9:06 of 2nd period - Off-side.
9:07 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone.
10:50 of 2nd period - Isak Rosen is hit by Bryce Kindopp and loses puck.
10:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Isak Rosen.
10:55 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Bryce Kindopp.
10:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Sourdif.
10:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
11:48 of 2nd period - Brandt Clarke is hit by Brayden Pachal and loses puck.
12:11 of 2nd period - John Leonard is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck.
13:32 of 2nd period - Icing by Ethan Del Mastro.
13:33 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone.
13:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Denis Malgin.
13:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:50 of 2nd period - Shot by Brayden Pachal.
13:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
13:51 of 2nd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone.
14:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Austin Watson.
14:02 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jacob Moverare.
14:04 of 2nd period - Shot by Jordie Benn.
14:04 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:18 of 2nd period - Austin Watson is hit by Alexey Toropchenko and loses puck.
14:36 of 2nd period - Icing by Kevin Connauton.
14:37 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone.
14:54 of 2nd period - Alex Steeves is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck.
15:16 of 2nd period - Icing by Ben Gleason.
15:17 of 2nd period - Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Vikings zone.
16:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Brayden Pachal.
16:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
16:29 of 2nd period - Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone.
16:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Brayden Pachal.
16:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:26 of 2nd period - Austin Watson is hit by Alexey Toropchenko and loses puck.
17:36 of 2nd period - Off-side.
17:37 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone.
18:16 of 2nd period - Icing by Wyatt Kalynuk.
18:17 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Vikings zone.
18:44 of 2nd period - Icing by Anttoni Honka.
18:45 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Cyclones zone.
18:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Austin Watson.
18:48 of 2nd period - Deflect By Unknown Player.
18:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 0 for Cyclones vs 0 for Vikings.
Shots for this period are 3 for Cyclones vs 5 for Vikings.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
0:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Alexey Toropchenko.
0:18 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Chris Tierney.
0:20 of 3rd period - Goal by Chris Tierney - Cyclones : 3 - Vikings : 0.
0:21 of 3rd period - Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Isak Rosen in neutral zone.
0:21 of 3rd period - Alex Steeves is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck.
0:56 of 3rd period - Shot by Denis Malgin.
0:56 of 3rd period - Deflect By Alex Steeves.
0:56 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:16 of 3rd period - Off-side.
2:17 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Gage Goncalves in neutral zone.
2:23 of 3rd period - Icing by Ben Gleason.
2:24 of 3rd period - Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone.
2:34 of 3rd period - Gage Goncalves is hit by Brayden Pachal and loses puck.
3:08 of 3rd period - Icing by Jacob Moverare.
3:09 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone.
3:16 of 3rd period - Shot by Devin Shore.
3:16 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
3:17 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone.
4:08 of 3rd period - Brandt Clarke is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck.
4:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Austin Watson.
4:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:32 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Tripping.
4:33 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alexey Toropchenko in Vikings zone.
4:50 of 3rd period - Jordie Benn is hit by Alex Limoges and loses puck.
5:00 of 3rd period - Icing by Alex Limoges.
5:01 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone.
5:43 of 3rd period - Brayden Pachal is hit by Kevin Connauton and loses puck.
6:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
6:42 of 3rd period - Goal by Unknown Player - Cyclones : 3 - Vikings : 1.
6:43 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
7:43 of 3rd period - Icing by Ben Gleason.
7:44 of 3rd period - Alexey Toropchenko wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Vikings zone.
8:02 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Ethan Del Mastro for Interference.
8:03 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone.
8:11 of 3rd period - Icing by Denis Malgin.
8:12 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone.
9:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
9:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:40 of 3rd period - Shot by Alex Steeves.
9:40 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
9:53 of 3rd period - Icing by Walker Duehr.
9:54 of 3rd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone.
9:54 of 3rd period - Cole Koepke is hit by Unknown Player.
10:07 of 3rd period - Ethan Del Mastro is hit by Mike Hardman and loses puck.
10:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Alexey Toropchenko.
10:54 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound.
10:56 of 3rd period - Shot by Alexey Toropchenko.
10:56 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Isak Rosen.
12:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:16 of 3rd period - Devin Shore is hit by Filip Chlapik and loses puck.
12:27 of 3rd period - Alexey Toropchenko is hit by Justin Sourdif and loses puck.
13:09 of 3rd period - Alexey Toropchenko is hit by Egor Sokolov and loses puck.
13:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
13:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
13:35 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Nikita Alexandrov in Cyclones zone.
13:35 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney is hit by Matt Luff.
14:18 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Brayden Pachal for Tripping.
14:19 of 3rd period - Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone.
14:19 of 3rd period - Denis Malgin is hit by Austin Watson.
15:19 of 3rd period - Shot by Justin Sourdif.
15:19 of 3rd period - Deflect By Devin Shore.
15:19 of 3rd period - Goal by Devin Shore - Cyclones : 3 - Vikings : 2.
15:20 of 3rd period - Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Gage Goncalves in neutral zone.
15:31 of 3rd period - Egor Sokolov is hit by Mike Hardman and loses puck.
16:19 of 3rd period - Shot by Brandt Clarke.
16:19 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
16:20 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone.
17:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Brandt Clarke.
17:14 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
17:15 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone.
17:46 of 3rd period - Shot by Austin Watson.
17:46 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
17:47 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Rudolfs Balcers in Cyclones zone.
17:56 of 3rd period - Shot by Alexey Toropchenko.
17:56 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound.
17:57 of 3rd period - Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone.
18:39 of 3rd period - Alex Steeves is hit by Jordie Benn and loses puck.
18:43 of 3rd period - Icing by Kevin Connauton.
18:44 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone.
18:46 of 3rd period - Alex Limoges is hit by Jordie Benn and loses puck.
19:01 of 3rd period - Vikings, Alex Nedeljkovic is pulled from the net.
19:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
19:01 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:03 of 3rd period - Shot by Austin Watson.
19:03 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound.
19:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
19:05 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Trevor vanRiemsdyk.
19:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Austin Watson.
19:09 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:11 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
19:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound.
19:12 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone.
19:12 of 3rd period - Chris Tierney is hit by Austin Watson.
19:47 of 3rd period - Shot by Brandt Clarke.
19:47 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Trevor vanRiemsdyk.
Goals for this period are 1 for Cyclones vs 2 for Vikings.
Shots for this period are 3 for Cyclones vs 9 for Vikings.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Trevor vanRiemsdyk moves puck in Vikings zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk is hit by Ethan Del Mastro and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Alex Limoges moves puck in Vikings zone. Shot by Alex Limoges. Shot Blocked by Ethan Del Mastro. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Del Mastro for Vikings. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Limoges. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Steeves in Vikings zone. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Pass to Denis Malgin. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Austin Watson.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Austin Watson. Puck retreived by Denis Malgin. Denis Malgin is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Isak Rosen in neutral zone. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Isak Rosen. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Justin Sourdif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Walker Duehr. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Sokolov in Cyclones zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves.

Time : 2. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Denis Malgin. Puck retreived by Ben Gleason. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Sokolov in Cyclones zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Gage Goncalves loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Calle Rosen for Cyclones. Pass to Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Denis Malgin. Puck retreived by Gage Goncalves. Gage Goncalves is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Calle Rosen for Cyclones. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Calle Rosen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Chris Tierney. Chris Tierney loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Tierney for Cyclones. Pass to Cole Koepke. Shot by Cole Koepke. Deflect By Chris Tierney. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone. Pass to Jordie Benn. Jordie Benn moves puck in neutral zone. Jordie Benn moves puck in Cyclones zone. Jordie Benn loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by John Leonard for Vikings. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to Matt Luff.

Time : 3. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Nikita Alexandrov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Brayden Pachal. Puck retreived by Justin Sourdif. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mike Hardman, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Bryce Kindopp in neutral zone. Pass by Bryce Kindopp intercepted by Brandt Clarke in Vikings zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Justin Sourdif moves puck in neutral zone. Justin Sourdif moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Devin Shore.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Anttoni Honka. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass to Filip Chlapik in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Filip Chlapik. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Puck retreived by Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Vikings zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Ben Gleason. Icing by Ben Gleason. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Cyclones. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone. Pass to Mike Hardman. Pass to Chris Tierney. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Chris Tierney. Chris Tierney is hit by Wyatt Kalynuk and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kalynuk for Vikings. Pass to Ben Gleason in neutral zone. Ben Gleason moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Chris Tierney. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Chris Tierney. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Chris Tierney. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves in Cyclones zone. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers. Shot by Rudolfs Balcers. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Puck retreived by Anttoni Honka. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro in neutral zone. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Walker Duehr in Cyclones zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Denis Malgin. Shot by Denis Malgin. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Puck retreived by Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by Matt Luff. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone.

Time : 6. Pass to Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Shot by Cole Koepke. Deflect By Alex Limoges. Shot Blocked by Jordie Benn. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for Cyclones. Shot by Cole Koepke. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Anttoni Honka, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Gage Goncalves is ejected from face-off, Rudolfs Balcers takes his place. Rudolfs Balcers wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Puck retreived by Calle Rosen. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Alex Steeves loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Del Mastro for Vikings. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers in neutral zone. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Anttoni Honka in Cyclones zone. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Puck retreived by Calle Rosen. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Calle Rosen. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Ethan Del Mastro. Puck retreived by Walker Duehr. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Walker Duehr. Pass to Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Brandt Clarke in Vikings zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Calle Rosen in neutral zone. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers in Vikings zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen.

Time : 7. Pass to Calle Rosen. Icing by Calle Rosen. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to Austin Watson. Shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Chris Tierney is hit by Devin Shore. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Brayden Pachal in Cyclones zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Devin Shore. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Ben Gleason in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Chris Tierney. Shot by Chris Tierney. Deflect By Alex Limoges. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kalynuk for Vikings. Icing by Wyatt Kalynuk. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Cyclones. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Justin Sourdif moves puck in neutral zone. Justin Sourdif loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Sourdif for Vikings. Justin Sourdif moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Justin Sourdif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke. Puck retreived by Brandt Clarke. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro in neutral zone. Ethan Del Mastro moves puck in Cyclones zone. Ethan Del Mastro loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Shot by Brandt Clarke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Cyclones. Pass to Filip Chlapik in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Brandt Clarke.

Time : 9. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro in Cyclones zone. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Jacob Moverare in Cyclones zone. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Mike Hardman, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Calle Rosen, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Puck retreived by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Jordie Benn. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Puck retreived by Walker Duehr. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Puck retreived by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Nikita Alexandrov.

Time : 10. Pass by Nikita Alexandrov intercepted by Walker Duehr in Cyclones zone. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Kevin Connauton. Puck retreived by Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves is hit by Nikita Alexandrov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by John Leonard for Vikings. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Denis Malgin, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Bryce Kindopp, Unknown Player are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Nikita Alexandrov. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Kevin Connauton moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Kevin Connauton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Bryce Kindopp. Pass to Alex Limoges. Alex Limoges moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Ben Gleason in Vikings zone. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Isak Rosen. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Alex Limoges. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in Vikings zone. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk. Icing by Wyatt Kalynuk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Vikings zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges.

Time : 11. Alex Limoges is hit by Wyatt Kalynuk and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Gleason for Vikings. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Ben Gleason in Vikings zone. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alex Limoges. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Isak Rosen. Pass to Justin Sourdif in neutral zone. Justin Sourdif moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Justin Sourdif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Calle Rosen, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke moves puck in neutral zone. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Egor Sokolov.

Time : 12. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Egor Sokolov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Calle Rosen. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Calle Rosen in Cyclones zone. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Walker Duehr, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Denis Malgin, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Kevin Connauton. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Walker Duehr. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Walker Duehr. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Kevin Connauton in Vikings zone. Pass to Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Jordie Benn moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Denis Malgin. Pass to Chris Tierney. Chris Tierney moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in Vikings zone.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jacob Moverare, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player in Vikings zone. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Mike Hardman for Cyclones. Shot by Mike Hardman. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mike Hardman for Cyclones. Shot by Mike Hardman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Cyclones. Pass to Mike Hardman. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Filip Chlapik.

Time : 14. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Jacob Moverare. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Chris Tierney, Alex Steeves, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Calle Rosen in neutral zone. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Jordie Benn in Vikings zone. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Justin Sourdif moves puck in Cyclones zone. Justin Sourdif loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Del Mastro for Vikings. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Denis Malgin. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Isak Rosen in neutral zone. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Brayden Pachal in Cyclones zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk moves puck in Vikings zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk is hit by Brandt Clarke and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Del Mastro for Vikings. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk moves puck in Vikings zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk is hit by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Isak Rosen. Isak Rosen moves puck in neutral zone. Isak Rosen moves puck in Cyclones zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Egor Sokolov in neutral zone. Pass by Egor Sokolov intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Cyclones zone. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk in neutral zone. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers in Vikings zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Pass by Gage Goncalves intercepted by Brayden Pachal in Cyclones zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Kalynuk in Cyclones zone. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Ben Gleason in neutral zone. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alex Steeves in Cyclones zone. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Egor Sokolov in neutral zone. Pass by Egor Sokolov intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Puck retreived by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers. Rudolfs Balcers loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kalynuk for Vikings. Wyatt Kalynuk moves puck in neutral zone. Wyatt Kalynuk moves puck in Cyclones zone. Wyatt Kalynuk loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kalynuk for Vikings. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Wyatt Kalynuk. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Brayden Pachal.

Time : 16. Puck retreived by John Leonard. John Leonard is hit by Denis Malgin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk for Cyclones. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov. Nikita Alexandrov moves puck in neutral zone. Nikita Alexandrov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Tierney for Cyclones. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Shot by Alex Limoges. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexey Toropchenko for Cyclones. Shot by Alexey Toropchenko. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney is ejected from face-off, Cole Koepke takes his place. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Ben Gleason in neutral zone. Ben Gleason moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Calle Rosen. Pass to Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Chris Tierney. Shot by Chris Tierney. Goal by Chris Tierney - Cyclones : 1 - Vikings : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke is hit by Alex Limoges and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexey Toropchenko for Cyclones. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Shot by Alexey Toropchenko. Shot Blocked by Nikita Alexandrov. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Limoges for Cyclones. Shot by Alex Limoges. Deflect By Chris Tierney. Goal by Chris Tierney - Cyclones : 2 - Vikings : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Pass to Mike Hardman. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Mike Hardman. Puck retreived by Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke is hit by Mike Hardman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Cyclones.

Time : 17. Pass to Chris Tierney. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Bryce Kindopp. Pass to Chris Tierney. Pass to Mike Hardman. Mike Hardman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Cyclones. Pass to Chris Tierney. Pass to Bryce Kindopp. Pass to Mike Hardman. Shot by Mike Hardman. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Mike Hardman are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Justin Sourdif moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Ben Gleason in Cyclones zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Alex Limoges. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Isak Rosen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Anttoni Honka.

Time : 18. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Calle Rosen, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Nikita Alexandrov. Pass by Nikita Alexandrov intercepted by Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Jacob Moverare. Puck retreived by Nikita Alexandrov. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Nikita Alexandrov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Bryce Kindopp. Pass by Bryce Kindopp intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Jacob Moverare in Cyclones zone. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Bryce Kindopp. Pass by Bryce Kindopp intercepted by Jordie Benn in Vikings zone. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Jacob Moverare is hit by Egor Sokolov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Jacob Moverare moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Jacob Moverare.

Time : 19. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Jordie Benn. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Kevin Connauton in Vikings zone. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass to Egor Sokolov. Egor Sokolov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Denis Malgin, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Denis Malgin is ejected from face-off, Alexey Toropchenko takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Anttoni Honka. Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Roughing. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Anttoni Honka, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Free Puck Retrieved by Denis Malgin. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Icing by Brayden Pachal. Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Alex Limoges moves puck in neutral zone. Alex Limoges moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Shot by Alexey Toropchenko. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Cyclones vs 0 for Vikings. Shots for this period are 10 for Cyclones vs 2 for Vikings.

2nd period

PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Alex Limoges moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Limoges. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Jordie Benn. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Denis Malgin. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass to Walker Duehr. Pass to Denis Malgin in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Denis Malgin. Puck retreived by Kevin Connauton. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Kevin Connauton. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Pass to Walker Duehr in Vikings zone. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Walker Duehr in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Walker Duehr. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Cyclones. Pass to Alex Steeves. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Jordie Benn. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in Vikings zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Pass to Chris Tierney. Shot by Chris Tierney. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Austin Watson moves puck in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Vikings. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Ethan Del Mastro is hit by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Brandt Clarke.

Time : 2. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Icing by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone. Pass to Mike Hardman. Pass by Mike Hardman intercepted by Ben Gleason in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Kalynuk. Wyatt Kalynuk moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Wyatt Kalynuk in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Gleason for Vikings. Pass to Austin Watson. Austin Watson is hit by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 3. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Vikings. Shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Devin Shore is hit by Anttoni Honka. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Anttoni Honka. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Justin Sourdif in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Cyclones zone. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Justin Sourdif. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Cyclones zone. Icing by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Pass by Gage Goncalves intercepted by Anttoni Honka. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Trevor vanRiemsdyk loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk for Cyclones. Trevor vanRiemsdyk moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Jordie Benn. Pass to Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers. Rudolfs Balcers moves puck in Cyclones zone.

Time : 4. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Walker Duehr. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Gage Goncalves. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Denis Malgin. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Justin Sourdif in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Anttoni Honka in Cyclones zone. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Walker Duehr in neutral zone. Pass to Denis Malgin in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Denis Malgin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Justin Sourdif. Pass to Isak Rosen. Isak Rosen moves puck in neutral zone. Isak Rosen moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Isak Rosen for Vikings. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Cole Koepke moves puck in Vikings zone. Cole Koepke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Sourdif for Vikings. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Alex Limoges.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Limoges. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Calle Rosen, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Brandt Clarke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Isak Rosen for Vikings. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Isak Rosen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Bryce Kindopp. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Ben Gleason. Ben Gleason moves puck in neutral zone. Ben Gleason loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Vikings. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alexey Toropchenko, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Alex Limoges, Mike Hardman are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Filip Chlapik in neutral zone. Pass by Filip Chlapik intercepted by Ben Gleason in Vikings zone. Icing by Ben Gleason. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Alexey Toropchenko wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Filip Chlapik in neutral zone. Pass by Filip Chlapik intercepted by Ben Gleason in Vikings zone. Pass to Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Ben Gleason in neutral zone.

Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Ben Gleason. Puck retreived by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Unknown Player moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Filip Chlapik in neutral zone. Pass by Filip Chlapik intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk in Vikings zone. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Cole Koepke. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Unknown Player moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Calle Rosen. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Alex Steeves is hit by Kevin Connauton and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Pass to Matt Luff. Matt Luff moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jordie Benn in Cyclones zone. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov. Shot by Nikita Alexandrov. Shot Blocked by Jacob Moverare. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings.

Time : 7. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Cyclones zone. Matt Luff loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Calle Rosen. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Kevin Connauton in Vikings zone. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Puck retreived by Nikita Alexandrov. Nikita Alexandrov is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Pass to Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Puck retreived by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Matt Luff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Walker Duehr. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro in Cyclones zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Calle Rosen. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Justin Sourdif. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Calle Rosen. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Devin Shore.

Time : 8. Icing by Devin Shore. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Vikings zone. Pass to Mike Hardman. Pass by Mike Hardman intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Icing by Brandt Clarke. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke moves puck in neutral zone. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Brandt Clarke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Anttoni Honka for Cyclones. Pass to Chris Tierney. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Mike Hardman in Cyclones zone. Icing by Mike Hardman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Chris Tierney. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Pass to Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Chris Tierney. Puck retreived by Rudolfs Balcers. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Mike Hardman. Pass by Mike Hardman intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Chris Tierney. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Ethan Del Mastro. Icing by Ethan Del Mastro. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Anttoni Honka, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Gage Goncalves.

Time : 9. Puck retreived by Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Jordie Benn. Jordie Benn moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke moves puck in neutral zone. Cole Koepke moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Kevin Connauton moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Connauton moves puck in Cyclones zone. Kevin Connauton loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Vikings. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Filip Chlapik in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Filip Chlapik. Puck retreived by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Brayden Pachal loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke.

Time : 10. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Steeves in Vikings zone. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Jordie Benn. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Steeves in Vikings zone. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass to Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Jordie Benn moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Calle Rosen. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Mike Hardman, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Ben Gleason. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Isak Rosen. Isak Rosen is hit by Bryce Kindopp and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Isak Rosen for Vikings. Shot by Isak Rosen. Shot Blocked by Bryce Kindopp. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Sourdif for Vikings. Shot by Justin Sourdif. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Gleason for Vikings.

Time : 11. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Limoges. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Steeves, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brayden Pachal, Unknown Player are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Gage Goncalves moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Egor Sokolov. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in Vikings zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Brandt Clarke is hit by Brayden Pachal and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rudolfs Balcers for Vikings. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Rudolfs Balcers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Nikita Alexandrov in neutral zone. Pass by Nikita Alexandrov intercepted by Alex Steeves.

Time : 12. Pass to Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Calle Rosen, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Jacob Moverare. Puck retreived by John Leonard. John Leonard is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Limoges for Cyclones. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Gleason. Ben Gleason moves puck in Cyclones zone. Ben Gleason loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Cyclones. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in neutral zone. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Nikita Alexandrov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Vikings zone. Pass to Mike Hardman. Pass to Chris Tierney.

Time : 13. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Chris Tierney. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Chris Tierney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Justin Sourdif. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Denis Malgin. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Denis Malgin. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Icing by Ethan Del Mastro. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Isak Rosen moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Pass to Walker Duehr in Vikings zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Denis Malgin. Shot by Denis Malgin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Cyclones. Shot by Brayden Pachal. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone.

Time : 14. Shot by Austin Watson. Shot Blocked by Jacob Moverare. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings. Shot by Jordie Benn. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Vikings. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Calle Rosen in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Austin Watson is hit by Alexey Toropchenko and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings. Jordie Benn moves puck in neutral zone. Jordie Benn moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Chris Tierney moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Chris Tierney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Icing by Kevin Connauton. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Kevin Connauton moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Connauton moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Austin Watson. Puck retreived by Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk.

Time : 15. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Kevin Connauton. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mike Hardman, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Ben Gleason. Icing by Ben Gleason. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Vikings zone. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers. Rudolfs Balcers moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Sokolov in Cyclones zone. Pass by Egor Sokolov intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass to Anttoni Honka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Anttoni Honka. Puck retreived by Ben Gleason. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers. Rudolfs Balcers moves puck in neutral zone. Rudolfs Balcers moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Egor Sokolov. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Gage Goncalves loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Gleason for Vikings. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Pass to Ben Gleason. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Ben Gleason. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone.

Time : 16. Cole Koepke moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Isak Rosen. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Chris Tierney. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in Vikings zone. Shot by Brayden Pachal. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Kevin Connauton moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Connauton moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Denis Malgin. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Shot by Brayden Pachal. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Vikings. Pass to John Leonard. John Leonard moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Walker Duehr in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Nikita Alexandrov in neutral zone.

Time : 17. Pass by Nikita Alexandrov intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Cyclones zone. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by John Leonard. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Anttoni Honka are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Austin Watson is hit by Alexey Toropchenko and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Tierney for Cyclones. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Tierney. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Calle Rosen. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Jacob Moverare loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Tierney for Cyclones. Pass to Filip Chlapik. Pass by Filip Chlapik intercepted by Devin Shore in Vikings zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke in Vikings zone. Cole Koepke loses puck.

Time : 18. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Chlapik for Cyclones. Pass by Filip Chlapik intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Mike Hardman, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Wyatt Kalynuk. Icing by Wyatt Kalynuk. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Vikings zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Justin Sourdif in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Mike Hardman in Cyclones zone. Pass to Anttoni Honka in neutral zone. Anttoni Honka moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass to Isak Rosen. Isak Rosen moves puck in neutral zone. Isak Rosen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Wyatt Kalynuk for Vikings. Wyatt Kalynuk moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Wyatt Kalynuk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Icing by Anttoni Honka. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Cyclones zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Shot by Austin Watson. Deflect By Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Del Mastro for Vikings. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke in Cyclones zone. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk.

Time : 19. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Anttoni Honka. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke in Cyclones zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Brandt Clarke in Vikings zone. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. Puck retreived by Jordie Benn.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Cyclones vs 0 for Vikings. Shots for this period are 3 for Cyclones vs 5 for Vikings.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Shot by Alexey Toropchenko. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Tierney for Cyclones. Shot by Chris Tierney. Goal by Chris Tierney - Cyclones : 3 - Vikings : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore is ejected from face-off, Isak Rosen takes his place. Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Isak Rosen in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Sourdif for Vikings. Pass to Devin Shore in Cyclones zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Walker Duehr. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass to Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Denis Malgin moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Pass to Walker Duehr. Pass to Calle Rosen in Vikings zone. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass to Denis Malgin. Shot by Denis Malgin. Deflect By Alex Steeves. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Pass to Isak Rosen in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Isak Rosen moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Isak Rosen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke in Cyclones zone. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro in Vikings zone. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Brandt Clarke in Vikings zone. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Chris Tierney. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Chris Tierney. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mike Hardman, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Austin Watson.

Time : 2. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro in Vikings zone. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Chlapik in Vikings zone. Filip Chlapik loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Del Mastro for Vikings. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Anttoni Honka moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Ben Gleason. Icing by Ben Gleason. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Cyclones. Gage Goncalves wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Vikings zone. Pass to Egor Sokolov. Egor Sokolov moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves in Cyclones zone. Gage Goncalves is hit by Brayden Pachal and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Cyclones. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Egor Sokolov. Pass by Egor Sokolov intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Rudolfs Balcers. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Gage Goncalves. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers.

Time : 3. Pass to Egor Sokolov. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Egor Sokolov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare. Icing by Jacob Moverare. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass to Devin Shore. Shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Cyclones zone. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Isak Rosen. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Sourdif for Vikings. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Jordie Benn. Pass to Isak Rosen. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Isak Rosen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk.

Time : 4. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Puck retreived by Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke is hit by Walker Duehr and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro in neutral zone. Ethan Del Mastro moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Shot by Austin Watson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Vikings. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Anttoni Honka. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Tripping. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney is ejected from face-off, Alexey Toropchenko takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alexey Toropchenko in Vikings zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Chris Tierney. Pass to Calle Rosen. Pass by Calle Rosen intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Calle Rosen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Calle Rosen. Puck retreived by Jordie Benn. Jordie Benn is hit by Alex Limoges and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare for Cyclones. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Jordie Benn. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Alex Limoges.

Time : 5. Icing by Alex Limoges. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Pass to Chris Tierney. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Chris Tierney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Alex Limoges. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Brayden Pachal is hit by Kevin Connauton and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for Cyclones. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen.

Time : 6. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass to Calle Rosen in neutral zone. Calle Rosen moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Denis Malgin. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass to Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Kevin Connauton. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Wyatt Kalynuk, Ben Gleason are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Denis Malgin. Pass to Walker Duehr in neutral zone. Walker Duehr moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Walker Duehr. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Anttoni Honka, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Tierney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Cole Koepke, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player in Cyclones zone. Shot by Unknown Player. Goal by Unknown Player - Cyclones : 3 - Vikings : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Mike Hardman. Pass by Mike Hardman intercepted by Ben Gleason in Vikings zone. Pass to Isak Rosen in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif in Cyclones zone. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass to Isak Rosen in Cyclones zone.

Time : 7. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Bryce Kindopp. Pass by Bryce Kindopp intercepted by Ben Gleason in neutral zone. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk in neutral zone. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Bryce Kindopp. Pass by Bryce Kindopp intercepted by Justin Sourdif in Vikings zone. Pass by Justin Sourdif intercepted by Bryce Kindopp in neutral zone. Pass by Bryce Kindopp intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk in Vikings zone. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Ben Gleason in Vikings zone. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk in Vikings zone. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Chris Tierney in neutral zone. Pass to Mike Hardman in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Mike Hardman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Walker Duehr in neutral zone. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Wyatt Kalynuk in Vikings zone. Pass by Wyatt Kalynuk intercepted by Walker Duehr. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Ben Gleason. Icing by Ben Gleason. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alexey Toropchenko, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Anttoni Honka, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Alexey Toropchenko wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Vikings zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Justin Sourdif. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Calle Rosen. Calle Rosen moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Calle Rosen moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Filip Chlapik. Minor Penalty to Ethan Del Mastro for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jordie Benn, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Denis Malgin. Icing by Denis Malgin. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Pass to Walker Duehr in Vikings zone. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass to Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Jordie Benn. Free Puck Retrieved by Denis Malgin. Pass to Walker Duehr. Walker Duehr moves puck in neutral zone. Walker Duehr moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Walker Duehr. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Jordie Benn in neutral zone. Jordie Benn moves puck in Cyclones zone. Jordie Benn loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Kevin Connauton, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Trevor vanRiemsdyk moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Chris Tierney.

Time : 9. Pass to Alex Limoges. Shot by Alex Limoges. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Kevin Connauton. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jordie Benn, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alexey Toropchenko. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Anttoni Honka are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass by Alex Steeves intercepted by Ben Gleason in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Ben Gleason. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Anttoni Honka. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Shot by Alex Steeves. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for Cyclones. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Ben Gleason. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Kevin Connauton, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Walker Duehr. Icing by Walker Duehr. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Jordie Benn, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alex Steeves. Cole Koepke is hit by Unknown Player. Alex Steeves moves puck in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone.

Time : 10. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Denis Malgin, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Anttoni Honka, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro in neutral zone. Ethan Del Mastro is hit by Mike Hardman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Denis Malgin for Cyclones. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Austin Watson in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Calle Rosen. Pass to Denis Malgin in neutral zone. Denis Malgin moves puck in Vikings zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Denis Malgin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Kevin Connauton moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Alex Limoges moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Shot by Alexey Toropchenko. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexey Toropchenko for Cyclones. Shot by Alexey Toropchenko. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk for Cyclones. Pass to Alex Limoges.

Time : 11. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Alex Limoges. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Limoges. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Moverare, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Moverare, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Alex Nedeljkovic. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Filip Chlapik. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Cole Koepke moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Filip Chlapik. Pass by Filip Chlapik intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Jacob Moverare in neutral zone. Pass to Walker Duehr in Vikings zone. Pass by Walker Duehr intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Kevin Connauton in neutral zone. Kevin Connauton moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Kevin Connauton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexey Toropchenko. Pass by Alexey Toropchenko intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Isak Rosen in Cyclones zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Isak Rosen for Vikings.

Time : 12. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass to Isak Rosen. Shot by Isak Rosen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Isak Rosen for Vikings. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Cole Koepke. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Devin Shore is hit by Filip Chlapik and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Gleason for Vikings. Pass to Isak Rosen. Isak Rosen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Isak Rosen. Puck retreived by Alexey Toropchenko. Alexey Toropchenko is hit by Justin Sourdif and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Sourdif for Vikings. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Justin Sourdif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jordie Benn, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Pass to Filip Chlapik in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Gage Goncalves loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings. Pass to Rudolfs Balcers. Pass to Gage Goncalves.

Time : 13. Pass by Gage Goncalves intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone. Alexey Toropchenko is hit by Egor Sokolov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Egor Sokolov for Vikings. Pass to Brandt Clarke in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jesper Froden, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Jesper Froden in neutral zone. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov. Nikita Alexandrov moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Jesper Froden. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jordie Benn, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Nikita Alexandrov in Cyclones zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Chris Tierney is hit by Matt Luff. Pass to Mike Hardman in neutral zone. Mike Hardman moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Jordie Benn. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke in Cyclones zone. Pass to John Leonard.

Time : 14. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass by Brandt Clarke intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Brandt Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Justin Sourdif. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Devin Shore. Minor Penalty to Brayden Pachal for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Denis Malgin, Alex Limoges are on ice for Cyclones. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Calle Rosen are on ice for Cyclones. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Ben Gleason are on ice for Vikings. Denis Malgin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Denis Malgin is hit by Austin Watson. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Limoges. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Ethan Del Mastro moves puck in neutral zone. Ethan Del Mastro loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Vikings. Unknown Player moves puck in Cyclones zone. Unknown Player loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan Del Mastro for Vikings. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Calle Rosen. Pass to Alex Limoges. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Limoges. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges are on ice for Cyclones. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Calle Rosen, Anttoni Honka are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Pass to Ben Gleason in neutral zone. Ben Gleason moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Ben Gleason.

Time : 15. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Unknown Player. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Wyatt Kalynuk, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Tierney. Pass by Chris Tierney intercepted by Isak Rosen in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore in Cyclones zone. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Shot by Justin Sourdif. Deflect By Devin Shore. Goal by Devin Shore - Cyclones : 3 - Vikings : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Denis Malgin, Mike Hardman, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Denis Malgin is ejected from face-off, Mike Hardman takes his place. Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Gage Goncalves in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Jordie Benn. Pass by Jordie Benn intercepted by Trevor vanRiemsdyk in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Puck retreived by Egor Sokolov. Egor Sokolov is hit by Mike Hardman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor vanRiemsdyk for Cyclones. Pass by Trevor vanRiemsdyk intercepted by Kevin Connauton. Pass by Kevin Connauton intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Mike Hardman. Pass to Denis Malgin. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Denis Malgin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anttoni Honka, Mike Hardman, Alex Steeves are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Rudolfs Balcers. Pass by Rudolfs Balcers intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Alex Steeves. Pass to Anttoni Honka.

Time : 16. Pass to Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings. Pass to Gage Goncalves. Pass to Egor Sokolov in neutral zone. Egor Sokolov moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Egor Sokolov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Justin Sourdif, Isak Rosen are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Anttoni Honka. Pass by Anttoni Honka intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke in Cyclones zone. Shot by Brandt Clarke. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Bryce Kindopp are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Calle Rosen, Alex Steeves are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ben Gleason, Wyatt Kalynuk are on ice for Vikings. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Chris Tierney in Cyclones zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Justin Sourdif. Justin Sourdif loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Isak Rosen for Vikings. Pass by Isak Rosen intercepted by Alex Steeves. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Ben Gleason in Vikings zone. Pass to Isak Rosen. Isak Rosen moves puck in neutral zone. Isak Rosen moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ben Gleason. Pass by Ben Gleason intercepted by Bryce Kindopp. Pass to Alex Steeves in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Vikings zone by Alex Steeves. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Mike Hardman, Anttoni Honka are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Puck retreived by Wyatt Kalynuk. Pass to Isak Rosen in neutral zone. Isak Rosen moves puck in Cyclones zone. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by Isak Rosen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke in Cyclones zone. Shot by Brandt Clarke. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Cole Koepke, Filip Chlapik are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Anttoni Honka are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Denis Malgin. Pass to Filip Chlapik. Filip Chlapik moves puck in neutral zone. Filip Chlapik moves puck in Vikings zone. Pass to Denis Malgin. Pass by Denis Malgin intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Austin Watson. Shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Gage Goncalves, Rudolfs Balcers, Egor Sokolov are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Gage Goncalves is ejected from face-off, Rudolfs Balcers takes his place. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Rudolfs Balcers in Cyclones zone. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in neutral zone. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in Vikings zone. Shot by Alexey Toropchenko. Stopped by Alex Nedeljkovic without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Denis Malgin, Alex Steeves, Walker Duehr are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Calle Rosen, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nikita Alexandrov, John Leonard, Matt Luff are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Nikita Alexandrov wins face-off versus Denis Malgin in Vikings zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Brandt Clarke moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Brandt Clarke moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to John Leonard. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Ethan Del Mastro moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass by Ethan Del Mastro intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Brandt Clarke in neutral zone. Pass to Nikita Alexandrov in Cyclones zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Pass to John Leonard. Puck is dumped in Cyclones zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Austin Watson, Unknown Player are on ice for Vikings. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Jordie Benn, Kevin Connauton are on ice for Vikings. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Lankinen. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Alex Steeves. Alex Steeves moves puck in neutral zone. Alex Steeves moves puck in Vikings zone. Alex Steeves is hit by Jordie Benn and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Connauton for Vikings. Icing by Kevin Connauton. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Tierney, Alex Limoges, Alexey Toropchenko are on ice for Cyclones. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anttoni Honka, Trevor vanRiemsdyk are on ice for Cyclones. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Vikings zone. Pass to Alex Limoges. Alex Limoges is hit by Jordie Benn and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordie Benn for Vikings. Pass to Kevin Connauton. Kevin Connauton moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Connauton moves puck in Cyclones zone. Pass to Unknown Player.

Time : 19. Vikings, Alex Nedeljkovic is pulled from the net. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Vikings. Shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Vikings. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Vikings. Shot by Austin Watson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Vikings. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Kevin Lankinen without a rebound. Trevor vanRiemsdyk, Jacob Moverare are on ice for Cyclones. Ethan Del Mastro, Brandt Clarke are on ice for Vikings. Chris Tierney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Cyclones zone. Pass to Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Chris Tierney is hit by Austin Watson. Pass to Alexey Toropchenko. Alexey Toropchenko moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Limoges in Vikings zone. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Brandt Clarke. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Austin Watson moves puck in Cyclones zone. Austin Watson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandt Clarke for Vikings. Pass to Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass by Jacob Moverare intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro. Pass to Brandt Clarke. Shot by Brandt Clarke. Shot Blocked by Trevor vanRiemsdyk. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Vikings. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jacob Moverare. Pass to Alex Limoges in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Limoges intercepted by Ethan Del Mastro in Vikings zone. Pass to Brandt Clarke.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Cyclones vs 2 for Vikings. Shots for this period are 3 for Cyclones vs 9 for Vikings.